Album Release Show: November 21
You are a still a crew member aboard spacecraft Aspera. Or is it Aspera II? There was news of an accident. And we appear to be drifting in space, while you appear to be drifting in and out of hypersleep.
Good morning.
Your in-flight entertainment will still be provided by GREYCOATS. While you were sleeping, they recorded sounds of their experience between the stars. Their new album will be performed on stage and available for purchase in the ship's lounge. Sales will fund their voyage home. Of course, the escape pods stopped working long ago, but a bribe's a bribe and there's always a chance.
The ship has picked up a few additional hitchhiking entertainers along the interstellar highway:
LOW-GAIN now has a standing gig over social hour in the Aspera Lounge. He bends circuits, transfers wires and is possibly a cyborg.
CHARLIE VAN STEE is certainly not human, but entirely organic and always welcome in the Great Hall, where his songs bring solace to the homesick.
The controls have been a little shaky, but you may still be called upon to keep things intact.
Try not to blow up the ship.
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